martes, 12 de marzo de 2013


    Hola Industrialheads, acabamos de descubrir que la legendaria banda Coldwave de Las Cruces, Nuevo Mexico Society Burning están celebrando sus primeros 21 años de existencia y como parte de esa celebracion han colgado su debut "Tactiq" en descarga libre a traves de su sitio oficial, en el screenshot aparece subrayado donde encontrarán el link, apresurense a descargarlo ya que estará disponible solo por tiempo limitado, simplemente vayan a este link:

    Nota: No nos hacemos responsables por la desactivacion del link en algun momento ya que este es únicamente responsabilidad del artista.

    Hi Industrialheads, in latest news, the legendary Coldwave band of Las Cruces, New Mexico Society Burning are celebrating their first 21 years of existence and as part of that celebration have uploaded his debut "Tactiq" for free download through their official website, the screenshot shows underscore where you will find the link, go now to download it, because it will be available only for a limited time simply go to this link:

    Note: We are not responsible for the deactivation of the link in the near future, because this is only responsibility of the artist.

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