sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009

    Dope Stars Inc. - 21st Century Slave (Reseña / Review)

    Artist: DOPE STARS INC.
    Country: Italy
    Album: 21st Century Slave
    Year: 2009
    Genere: Hard Rock Industrial, CyberPunk
    Label: [Trisol] Music Group
    Metropolis Records
    Official site: www.dopestarsinc.com
    Myspace: www.myspace.com/dopestarsinc
    Rate: 10 /10
    21st century slave es la cuarta producción de esta joven banda italiana que viene sorprendiéndonos con cada disco y demostrando evolución entre uno y otro, algo que ha caracterizado enormemente a esta banda es que dentro de su depurado metal industrializado se incluye una dosis muy considerable de Rock’n roll y punk y este disco no es la excepción, ya hace un par de meses nos dieron un adelanto de este nuevo disco con el doble sencillo “Criminal Intents / Mourning star” y por el cual nos dimos cuenta que su estilo sigue intacto, a diferencia de sus producciones anteriores tambien podemos decir que este disco es mucho mas denso que sus antecesores, en esta ocasión cambian la velocidad por la calidad y lo demuestran en temazos como la abridora “Omega drones” y tambien la que da nombre al disco 21st century slaves a medio tiempo, pero salvaje, llena del odio característico de la banda y asi hasta el final del disco track por track te mete cada vez mas en el concepto anarquico-futurista muy cercano a lo que llamamos cyberpunk, creo de hecho que en los ultimos años es una de las pocas bandas que ha logrado realmente rescatar ese genero marginado.
    Hay que hacer mencion especial a las semibaladas “When i see you smile e “It’s for you”, porque hay que aceptar que si Dope Stars Inc son expertos en algo es en hacer buenas baladas rock, asi como hacer buen Punk rock pero que para nuestra suerte en esta producción no se hizo tan presente este genero.
    “21st century slave” esta mas inclinado al Gothic Metal con fuerte base de elementos electrónicos, la verdad si se echan de menos algunos elementos de sus discos anteriores pero de cualquier manera este es un excelente disco, ejecutado por una banda con muchísimo futuro en la escena, cabe mencionar que este es un disco que no debe faltar en tu colección si eres fan del metal industrial o del gothic metal, los tracks mas recomendables aunque el disco no tenga ningun desperdicio son “Neuromantics” “Criminal Intents” y mi consideración la mejor de todo el disco “Megacorps”, otro gran acierto de los Dope Stars Inc.

    21st century slave is the fourth production of this young Italian band that comes being surprised with every disc and demonstrating evolution between one and other, something that it has characterized enormously to this band is that inside his elaborate industrialized metal there is included a very considerable dose of Rock'n roll and punk and this disc is not the exception, it already does a pair of months they gave us an advance of this new disc with the double single “ Criminal Intents / Mourning star ” and for which we realized that his style is still intact, in contrast to his previous productions also we can say that this disc is much denser than his predecessors, into this occasion they change the speed into the quality and demonstrate it in hot tracks as the opener “ Omega drones ” and also the one that gives name to the disc "21st century slaves" at half time, but savage, flood of the angry typical of the band and from here until the end of the disc track by track it puts you increasingly in the anarchic - futurist concept very near to what we call cyberpunk, I believe in fact that in the last years it is one of few bands that has managed to rescue really this alienated genre. It is necessary to mention specially to the semiballads “ When i see you smile and “ It's for you ”, because it is necessary to accept that if Dope Stars Inc is expert in something it is in doing good rock ballads, as well as to make a good Punk rock but that for our luck in this production did not make this genre. “ 21st century slave ” it's more inclined to Gothic Metal with strong base of electronic elements, the truth if there are lacked some elements of his previous discs but anyway this is an excellent disc executed by a band with a lot of future in the scene, it is necessary to mention that this is a disc that must not be absent in your collection if you are a fan of the industrial metal or of the gothic metal, the most advisable tracks although the disc are “ Neuromantics “ “ Criminal Intents ” and at my consideration the best of the whole disc “ Megacorps “, another big wise move of Dope Stars Inc.

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